Painting Estimate Tutorial: 10' x 10' Bedroom Ceiling & Walls Using Production Rates

Production rate estimation: Painting 10' X 10' bedroom

Learn how to accurately estimate the time and cost for painting a 10′ x 10′ bedroom ceiling and walls (8′ height) using production rates with BreakEven PRO. The Scope of Work covers everything from furniture staging and surface preparation to painting techniques and cleanup.

Discover tips for calculating labor, materials, and achieving a professional painting finish. Perfect for painters and contractors looking to refine their estimating skills with the use production rates! Scope of Work Highlights: Furniture staging and floor protection. Ceiling (100 SF) and walls (320 SF) painted with brush and roll methods. Step-by-step wall preparation, painting, and cleanup process.

Note: This job is priced using a $78.00 hourly sell rate plus materials that are marked up at a different percentage. Knowing your BreakEven RATE will help to ensure your estimating is accurate along with tracking your productivity. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and leave your questions in the comments!

Here are some key questions to consider:

  • What is your hourly sell rate?
  • Do you know your mixed hourly sell rate?
  • What is your hourly profit markup?
  • How much do you spend on materials?
  • How much do you mark up materials for profit?
  • Have you ever created a forecast for your company?

In this example, we are estimating the painting of a 10′ x 10′ bedroom, including a ceiling measuring 100 square feet and walls totaling 320 square feet. Below is a breakdown of the services involved for this project:

  • Floor Protection: Cover the flooring with heavy-duty canvas drop cloths.
  • Preparation: Lightly pole sand the ceiling and walls (420 SF) at a rate of 650 SF per hour.
  • Drywall Repairs: Spot-patch minor drywall imperfections, sand smooth, and spot-prime (420 SF) at a rate of 300 SF per hour.
  • Ceiling Painting: Brush and roll the ceiling with a latex flat finish paint at a rate of 200 SF per hour.
  • Wall Painting: Brush and roll the walls with latex eggshell finish paint, one color, applied at 250 SF per hour for each coat (2 coats total).
  • Clean-Up and Disposal: Remove all debris and clean the work area thoroughly.
  • The contractor is providing all labor, sundries, and materials required for the job in this scenario.
  • This estimate excludes any surfaces or areas not specifically mentioned.